When you visit the main top level portion of this web site, our web server automatically collects mostly the same info that most other standard web server collect by default;
You IP address, which, in most cases, identifies what ISP you are using, and what you general geographic location is based upon basic publicly available IP lookups. What web page you were on before you came to our site, and in some cases what page you leave to when you leave our site.
If you used a search engine to find us, in some cases our basic stats program captured the search term used in which you found our page.
If you are concerned about these things I strongly suggest you learn how to use a premium VPN service. Services for $5-$20 per year or per month can scramble much of this information and make it harder to track you and every web site you visit.
If you leave comments, or click on things here, then our stats log some of that, and our database program may collect additional information about you, especially if you add text to a comment, or vote for a rating or in a poll – our database will need to collect and additionally store extra information in regards to those interactions for various purposes.
If you choose to use the VIP section of our web site (eg Vip.SexTipCams.com ) – then your information will additionally be shared with our video chat servers, and the performers who are sharing their live video through the VIP area. Should you choose to register for a VIP area membership, or purchase tip tokens / tip coin / tip bucks, or if you just choose to watch and not interact, then you will need to understand that we have much more detail about the privacy implications of visiting, using, and sharing any info in the VIP section. You can read the additional privacy addendum for the VIP section by clicking here.